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August 11, 2008


Thanks for sharing this brand rally cry. I think it is very inspiring.

In many respects though, I think it is wrong. Maybe it's just because I've been digging my head deep into the philosophy of Mark Earl's Herd and the idea of mass behavior. No one is really an army of one, humans are a social animal and we move and think as part of a physical and digital herd. Every decision we make isn't from the vacuum of our own heads, from our isolated and unique style... it comes from everything (everybody) that influences us.

But Doc Marten's is playing their cards right. People buy Doc Marten's because they are subscribing to a tribe of rebellion, a tribe of faux-individuality. I'm sure that there is a whole page on Exactitudes dedicated to Doc Marten wearers.

"The best form of rebellion is individualism." says Doc Marten's

"Our efforts to be individual are ultimately in vain." says Mark Earls

Which philosophy do you subscribe to?

Marta Strickland
Editor, ThreeMinds

Thanks for sharing this brand rally cry. I think it is very inspiring.

In many respects though, I think it is wrong. Maybe it's just because I've been digging my head deep into the philosophy of Mark Earl's Herd and the idea of mass behavior. No one is really an army of one, humans are a social animal and we move and think as part of a physical and digital herd. Every decision we make isn't from the vacuum of our own heads, from our isolated and unique style... it comes from everything (everybody) that influences us.

But Doc Marten's is playing their cards right. People buy Doc Marten's because they are subscribing to a tribe of rebellion, a tribe of faux-individuality. I'm sure that there is a whole page on Exactitudes dedicated to Doc Marten wearers.

"The best form of rebellion is individualism." says Doc Marten's

"Our efforts to be individual are ultimately in vain." says Mark Earls

Which philosophy do you subscribe to?

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