OK so this is a tad scary in light of how frequently we are recommending (and building) FaceBook apps. This post at Three Minds provides some interesting commentary on the reality of what FaceBook apps are accomplishing. In most instances, it ain't much. The posting has provocative and relevant do's and don'ts for doing a FaceBook app - I recommend a thorough reading for all. A good example?
"Possibly the only impressive case study I have run across in the realm of branded apps, Sony decided rebrand the popular Vampires application for the launch of the movie 30 Days of Night. The page trafficked over 11 million visits and the connected sweepstakes received six times the amount of projected entrants."
Don'ts include......
1. Don't start a new version of something that is already popular.
2. Don't overcomplicate the concept or interface.
3. Don't extend a campaign without thinking about the social context.
4. Don't separate your fans, reach them where they already exist.
The posting also reminds us not to forget about FaceBook groups - which can accomplish more for marketers than apps.
Read the whole post here.