I really enjoyed this post about recent DDB Paris' Volkswagen print from Got Ads. The ads celebrate the 60th anniversary of the beloved VW bus and have really terrific copy as well as visual style reminiscent of VW's late 60's US launch work.
I particularly enjoy how the 2 I'm showing here (click to view full size) relate the VW bus to all the changes the (predominantly Baby Boomer?) generation has experienced.
I realize agencies usually push clients to change up the campaign (and thus the brand) every couple of years or so, thus it's controversial to commend a brand for sticking to its creative guns for so long, but I really like how this style doesn't change (though the copy does stay up to date). And I think it works.
BTW I had forgotten how chock full of delightful creative Got Ads is, you should definitely bookmark it pronto.