Thanks to the ever-insightful Jackie Huba for calling our attention to this great cartoon from Tom Fishburne, whose words are timeless and worth repeating to clients:
I have to remind myself sometimes that my brand is not the most important thing in a target consumer's life. I think a lot of brand positioning statements are written as if the consumers are constantly thinking and obsessing about the brand. When I hear the description, "brand loyalist", I envision a groupie with a logo tattooed on her forehead.
Obviously, even "brand loyalists" have complex lives completely separate from our brands. As marketers, I think it's good to remember the actual role that we play in consumer's very human lives, and not overstep the significance of a brand of, say, "pickle relish".
Thanks for the insights (and fabulous cartoon) Tom! I frequently cite this mantra to clients and internal teams; usually to blank stares or even hurt expressions. I ask, "do you need a tissue?" Yes the agency believes in the client. Yes we use the product. Yes we love the brand. But our job is to create marketing that works, which has to start with reality. So please bear with us as we let the consumer's true feeling wash over you.