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March 04, 2007


Instant reaction: Hah! Um, gross. Ooooh. Hah!

I like the campaign, I am a germaphobe - LukeMV, your technique is correct. >>Use that same paper towel to shut off the water if the sink does not have auto off/on.

People need to be reminded that it is so simple to prevent most colds and a whole lot of Norovirus just by washing your hands. Purell in pinch.

I agree. But why should someone choose Purell over my technique ( 1) wash hands. 2) grab extra paper towel. 3) use paper towel as buffer between hands and door handle. 4) escape and throw away paper towel)? I certainly do like the execution, though, as it does put the awareness in your face (hands?).

Purell (at least, I _think_ it was Purell) took this approach in NYC subway cars about 7 or 8 years ago. Not graphic, but they pointed out how many people had been touching the straps, and invoked the common "rolling petri dish" meme.

The reaction was universally negative, and the ads were pulled early. Folks did *not* like being reminded of it.

I'd be curious to know what the net reaction will be here, especially with the forced, er... crank-grasping.

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