We’ve been hearing it for months, if not years: the reign of the gas-guzzling SUV and truck appear to be nearing an end. Heavy lies the crown drenched in the same oil that has forced potential automobile buyers to be more conscious of pump prices and MPG due to the rising cost of gas.
GM, in an effort to capitalize on this trend and gain market share, has introduced a platform that allows consumers to choose the brand’s newest minicar offering (see cnn.com article). The recent explosion of minicars (“B segment cars”) in Asia, coupled with the recent successes of the Chevy Aveo, Toyota Yaris, Honda Fit and Nisan Versa in the US, has caused GM to focus on developing and expanding their minicar offering. Next week, during the Press Review Days the New York Auto Show, GM will introduce three designs and allow consumers to vote on which minicar model makes the cut (vote here; site launches 4/4). Although it is not guaranteed the winner will be put into production, the growing popularity of this smaller, more efficient ride makes it likelier that GM will eventually produce and launch the model consumers choose.
It will be interesting to watch how this smaller type of automobile fits in with the American desire for “bigger” and “more.” I've had the "pleasure" of driving a minicar and was not a fan. Has anyone else had a similar/different experience?