My friend Amy sent me this helpful how to guide for achieving stardom on YouTube as well as in the mainstream media. (In true social media fashion, she got this from her friend Max). 1. Shoot a stupid video (actually in this case it appears to be a local TV spot but you say tomayto, I say tomahto):
2. People modify it (including yourself), using original footage, and stuff from your site.
3. Next, you provide a blue-screen version of the video that aspiring modders can work with:
4. And you get even more modded versions:
5. All this gets you crazy hits, some attention from AOL's web show, "The DL," and an appearance on "Ellen."
My question is - since this "playbook" is probably pretty well known at this point, meaning everyone can do this and it's lost its exclusivity and uniqueness, how long will it last? Does it have staying power?
One factor that might enable the longevity of this trend - we have no attention spans these days and thus require a constant diet of new slop to consume.