Church of the Customer goddess/author Jackie Huba brought the Citizen Marketers book tour through Digitas Boston on Friday. Jackie is a super smart and thoroughly engaging tour guide through the wonders of her (and Ben McConnell's) new book about "When People Are The Message."
Jackie led us on a tour of the book with a solid presentation that highlighted some of the notable (if not necessarily the best) moments of consumer evangelism. It was nice to be reminded of George Masters' Tiny Machine video from 2004 and for the first time (for me) to witness the silly goodness that is Fernando & Thomas' McNuggets. Jackie's presentation beautifully highlights and illustrates the lessons in the book in a fantastic trip. She will never say "suck it up marketers, you are just observers now" but she'll give you a gentle warning that you don't own the channels of awareness any more.
Reminding us that the social media world is a "different culture" and that "control is out of control" was a scary way to start the day. Jackie show highlighted what the new "1 percenters" mean in our digital world and how the first page of Google results are your brand.
The book is fascinating and I highly recommend getting your hands on a copy of it. There won't be a quiz - just another paradigm shift. Get ready.
Jeff Flemings, head of Account Planning for Digitas Boston with author Jackie Huba
Lori Magno, Digital Hive blogger, Digitas Boston with author Jakie Huba
Author Jackie Huba with James Biggie, Jedi-in-training (and Masters in Design candidate)
Gonna check out the book. Starbucks has this concept down. Check out
Posted by: shawn | February 27, 2007 at 03:19 PM
Wish I were there!
I'm sure it was great and I love the book. In an ironic twist of fate, Dave Marsey and myself were giving a presentation at Loyola and the last slide in the deck included the book (along with my voiceover urging them to go out and get it).
Surprisingly, most of the students hadn't heard of it. I hope that changes.
Jeff, great move getting Jackie out to speak.
Posted by: David Armano | February 24, 2007 at 07:52 PM