We all know internet usage is up up up every time they take a measurement - particularly among younger consumers (see this recent Burst media study (reg. req'd) for the latest channel use statistics for college kids).
Some cranky parents and elders might say hey, all that time spent in front of a PC is eliminating your social skills, why aren't you outside playing basketball with all the other lovely young people you know. Go join the Boy Scouts or something to learn how to win friends and influence people.
Organic's Zachary Thacher has a modern take on the upside of IM'ing, gaming and MySpace: "Not to be a media-chauvinist, but the internet creates a space where you can watch a dorky video, contribute to a political campaign, chat with a friends, buy stuff, research a product and check out a buddy’s profile all at the same time. TV doesn’t compare, and it breeds inactivity."
He concludes: "the fact they’re taking away time from the passive medium of TV to interact with a global network can be a good indicator for what these kids will think is important as they mature: being connected, informed, involved."
I concur that internet is good!
Snaps to Three Minds' coverage (Zachary Thacher) and thoughts which got me going.