TiVo, our dependable ad-zapping friend, did some data crunching last night and came up with a top 10 Super Bowl Commercials list. As did AOL and USA Today - but the results aren't consistent across the 3.
TiVo says its audience measurement analysis is based on aggregated data from a sample of 10,000 anonymous TiVo households. The company gauges the interest in programming content by measuring the percentage of the TiVo Super Bowl audience watching in "play" mode.
TiVo's Top 10:
1. Emerald Nuts - "Unicorn"
2. Anheuser Busch - "Designated Driver"
3. GoDaddy.com - "Censorship Hearing"
4. Diet Pepsi - "Cindy Crawford Eye Catcher"
5. Ameriquest - "Robbery"
6. Careerbuilder.com - "Monkey Brown-Nosing"
7. Tabasco - "Burn"
8. Fed Ex - "Super Bowl Commercial Formula"
9. Paramount Pictures - "War of the Worlds"
10. Anheuser Busch - "Thank You to Troops"
USA Today also conducted its annual poll and Anheuser-Busch took the top spot in the newspaper's Super Bowl Ad Meter for the seventh year in a row. Anheuser-Busch's ad featuring a pilot who jumped out of an airplane for a six-pack of Bud Light was the most popular, according to USA Today's Ad Meter. Volunteers, who charted their second-by-second reactions to Super Bowl ads, gave the ad a score of 8.65 (on a scale of 0 to 10). The top five ads, according to the newspaper:
1. Anheuser-Busch - Pilot jumps out of plane for Bud Light - 8.65 2. Ameriquest - Trip to store gets rough after cell phone chat is misunderstood - 8.06 3. Anheuser-Busch - Returning American soldiers get standing ovation - 7.94 4. CareerBuilder - Guy sits on whoopee cushion as prankster monkeys laugh - 7.81 5. CareerBuilder - Guy can't get work done because he works with a bunch of monkeys - 7.77
AOL's top five included Anheuser Busch's spot featuring American servicemen and women, which scored the most votes, 15,204 or 14 percent of the voting; followed by Bud Light's skydiving spot with 12,637; Ameriquest's "Guilty" with 9,272; Ameriquest's "Robbed," with 7,932; and Diet Pepsi's P. Diddy red carpet turn with 7,189.
Why the different results in the different studies? I'll leave it to you all to pontificate.........
Borrowed with thanks from: http://www.mediapost.com/dtls_dsp_onlineminute.cfm?fnl=050207
The differences are fascinating, and probably tell us more about the studies' designs than the ads, when you look at what won:
--Eye candy stopping power with TiVo (unicorns, strippers, and monkeys)
--Emotion: wacka-wacka humor and tear jerkers coming on top from the USA Today sample, being paid to watch every single commercial attentively
--AOL's self-selected mix of random users and passionate believers, placing the troops on top.
I'll let others debate "who made the right call", to reference an old IBM campaign.
But as you debate, it may be also interesting to contemplate which study's top spots match more closely with your personal top spots. Are you a TiVo person? An AdMetric? or an AOLer?
And if you need a quick read on the ad industry's conventional wisdom, Adweek has opened up voting. No deeplinked page, just the main page, look down on the lower right.
Posted by: MemeWrangler | February 07, 2005 at 06:17 PM